Statistics Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for Statistics:

StatisticTest Anova ChiSquareTest KolmogorovSmirnovTest MannWhitneyTest MultiSampleTest ShapiroWilkTest SignTest tTest WilcoxonTest

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

QString colName ()
 Returns the name of the source data set.
Columncolumn ()
 Returns a pointer to the column source of data.
unsigned int dataSize ()
 Returns the size of the input data set.
virtual int dof ()
 Returns the degrees of freedom.
bool hasSortedData ()
double iqr ()
double kurtosis ()
QString logInfo (bool header=true)
double maxValue ()
double mean ()
double median ()
double minValue ()
double q1 ()
double q3 ()
double quantile (double)
virtual bool run ()
bool setData (const QString &, int start=0, int end=-1)
void showResultsLog (bool=true)
MethodCode SIPQTI_APP (new sipStatistics(app,*a0, a1, a2, a3))%End~Statistics()
double skewness ()
void sortData ()
double standardDeviation ()
double standardError ()
 Statistics (const QString &=QString(), int start=0, int end=-1, bool sort=false)/NoDerived/
 Statistics (ApplicationWindow */TransferThis/, const QString &=QString(), int start=0, int end=-1, bool sort=false)
Tabletable ()
 Returns a pointer to the table source of data.
double variance ()

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Statistics::Statistics ( ApplicationWindow */TransferThis/  ,
const QString &  = QString(),
int  start = 0,
int  end = -1,
bool  sort = false 

Statistics::Statistics ( const QString &  = QString(),
int  start = 0,
int  end = -1,
bool  sort = false 

Member Function Documentation

QString Statistics::colName (  ) 

Returns the name of the source data set.

Column* Statistics::column (  ) 

Returns a pointer to the column source of data.

unsigned int Statistics::dataSize (  ) 

Returns the size of the input data set.

virtual int Statistics::dof (  )  [virtual]

Returns the degrees of freedom.

Reimplemented in tTest.

bool Statistics::hasSortedData (  ) 

double Statistics::iqr (  ) 

double Statistics::kurtosis (  ) 

QString Statistics::logInfo ( bool  header = true  ) 

double Statistics::maxValue (  ) 

double Statistics::mean (  ) 

double Statistics::median (  ) 

double Statistics::minValue (  ) 

double Statistics::q1 (  ) 

double Statistics::q3 (  ) 

double Statistics::quantile ( double   ) 

virtual bool Statistics::run (  )  [virtual]

bool Statistics::setData ( const QString &  ,
int  start = 0,
int  end = -1 

void Statistics::showResultsLog ( bool  = true  ) 

MethodCode Statistics::SIPQTI_APP ( new   sipStatisticsapp,*a0, a1, a2, a3  ) 

double Statistics::skewness (  ) 

void Statistics::sortData (  ) 

double Statistics::standardDeviation (  ) 

double Statistics::standardError (  ) 

Table* Statistics::table (  ) 

Returns a pointer to the table source of data.

double Statistics::variance (  ) 

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